It’s a Good Thing
The View from Here Hello from my couch, where I’ve been planted for the majority of my waking hours for the past twenty five days. Who’s counting? I sure am. I’ve been following doctor’s orders…
From the First of November, 2017
Because sometimes it takes a whole month to write it down. I type with hands that are redolent with garlic, onion, and freshly grated ginger. Today contains a chunk of time for cooking, with hearty…
MelindaNovember 30, 2017
The Man in the Grocery Line
Certain special needs are invisible, or really hard to spot. This can include Autism, in some people. That isn’t Bink’s reality, though. Anyone of the neurotypical persuasion who takes more than a minute to observe…
MelindaNovember 23, 2017
Autographing Autumn
I was walking, first field-- verdant, moist , glorious carpet of greens, and the woods edged closer, with a beckoning trail, and then the floor was pine needles, punctuated with wily old roots in no…
MelindaOctober 22, 2017
In Times Like These: Silver Linings of Caregiving
THANK YOU, TEDIUM In the midst of the interminable news; all-bad-all-the-time, chaos and tragedy, aftermath and predictions, close ups and sound bites that feed worry and starve hope, invite helplessness, inside this swirl, this…
MelindaSeptember 19, 2017
Dear reader, is there something in the natural world that you are really drawn to? Birds, clouds, pine trees? Lightening storms? Is there something for which you have an unrelenting affection? For, me, it’s stones.…
MelindaAugust 9, 2017
I Come from the World
Bink would say...a long haired girl day, aka a very good day! I'm pleased to share that I've had two poems published in I Come from the World, a new literary journal. If you'd …
MelindaJuly 19, 2017
Welcome, Winter!
Solstice 2016 On this, the shortest day of the year in my part of the world, I have a confession to make. I’ve been swirling, these darkening days, around and around like a pile of…
MelindaDecember 21, 2016