Night Upon the Prairie
My poem, Night Upon the Prairie, was published in Writing in a Woman's Voice poetry journal yesterday. While writing this I channeled singer/songwriter energies. If I had learned to play guitar, I think this one…
Slack Satori
The Hand of God by Melinda satori \ sə-ˈtȯr-ē n (Buddhism) Zen Buddhism the state of sudden indescribable intuitive enlightenment • Hmmm. Tell a creative (poet, artist, musician, sculptor) that something is indescribable, and chances…
MelindaAugust 14, 2022
A Little Bullish
I know, I know. Much is not right here in the world. We conjure and raise up hatreds and fears born of misconceptions. We bow down to profit and convention instead of the goodness in…
MelindaJune 23, 2022
What’s in a name? More pub cred, musings
Mid-April already? Time is such a liquid concept. Today, my already may be your finally. It is already April? Finally, it is spring. In February, my finally was louder than my already. Finally, Winter has…
MelindaApril 12, 2022
All This Joy, All This Sorrow
Monday, March 28, morning. It’s snowing as I write this. Big, fluffy flakes that arrive past the date of our northern hemisphere Spring equinox. I wonder if they know they won't accumulate. If they did…
MelindaMarch 28, 2022
A Little Flower
“I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn’t much improved my opinion of them.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince Hello, First, here's…
MelindaMarch 25, 2022
It has been almost a month since my mother passed. It wasn’t unexpected. She was old and ill and tired. She wanted to go, was impatient with the way those final months seemed to drag…
MelindaNovember 16, 2021
Conversations with a Ghost
A Dead Friend Speaks Almost a year into my exit from flesh, what we call, when embodied, death, You talk to me, wonder if I help when you struggle and worry, soothe when you rage…
MelindaJune 15, 2021
Look up! The world is out there.
Reckoning Inside, just shy of sunrise, all over the land people awakened, reached for their small screens, hungry for the tiny words and pictures, memes and videos designed to amuse, entrance, distract from stress and…
MelindaJune 11, 2021