Hello, dear blog. Hello, faithful tribe of readers. My neglect this past month stems not from writers block, but from posting block. Yes, it’s a thing, one which might even merit capitalization. Posting Block.
I have spent mornings and nights in awe of the earth’s revolutions, the comings and goings of light and darkness. I’ve slipped outside my own skin and watched my ego, heart and soul dance around each other. Occasionally, one or the other of them has pulled a sword and declared battle.
I have written. I have made rough essays, and poems, and heavy, sticky globs of freeform observation and emotion. I have edited—just a little—for the book I am growing. I’ve tended to those in my innermost circles, human and feline. I have paid greater heed to the beings without form, whose presence I feel more frequently as time rolls on. I’ve shared some of those proceeds in my writing groups, yet I’ve not posted any of it here.
The year is nearly gone. In honor of the humble post, a more regular practice of which will help my first book come to form, I offer you this. You could say it’s a synopsis of what I learned in 2019.
I have been the dough.
Amorphous, rising,
almost gladdened
by the beating down,
knowing I’d rise,
and rise again,
alternately loving
and resisting
the ways this life
has baked me.
Nearing sixty
I am toughening,
bordering on plain,
dry cracker.
In truth
I long to be butter
melting into gold,
adorning the delicious,
softening the stale.
I want to be room
temperature slippery
salted sun, sliding
with and into—
not against—
the grain.
I want to please
the palates
of all the gods;
not just my human
but Stillness
and Poetry,
not just
and Mothering
but Quirk
and Solace,
not just Editors
but Sleep,
and Dream
and Desire.
Hope is a brief scatter of diamonds