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As a very part-time Yoga teacher (and former studio owner), I maintain a separate email communication list for my students. There is a little bit of cross-over; a handful of my students (or former students) also subscribe to this blog. I’ve never sent the same email to both lists, until now. The writing has been challenging lately, the blog fairly quiet. I feel moved to reach out, though, even in this virtual way. To say I’m here, I think you’re there. Are you there?  Are you OK?  We’re all in the thick of sticky, uncomfortable, often gut-wrenching happenings. I hope you are connected to your people, and breathing as well as you can.

To those who subscribe to both of my lists, I apologize for tossing duplicates into your inbox.
Here’s what I send out to my Yoga list this morning:
 Dear Friend,
I’m over here trying to regulate my breath. I’m holding the pieces of my heart together with little band aids made from stretched-out trust in the essential goodness of humankind and faith that any given moment is just an eye blink in the life of the spirit.
How are you holding up? The horrific recent events in this country and abroad, layered atop the past few years of upheaval and loss, is enough to make even the most numbed-out want to burrow into a deep hole and hide there. That’s not an option, though, is it? We have to get up in the morning and carry on.
I know you. Your compassion lifts people off the floor. Your loving presence is a steadying force for struggling family and friends. Your willingness to listen deeply has been a lifeline for someone who desperately needed to know that they matter.
Keep rising, keep breathing deeply. The world needs the best we can give of ourselves, even now. Especially now.
For my small part, I offer a few things that may calm, soothe, and even uplift a little.
First, a few Zoom offerings for June and July:
Adapted Yoga practice for individuals with special needs. Slower pace, more concrete language, some visuals. Breathwork, postures, relaxation. 50 minutes $10
Gentle meditative practice done mostly seated in an armless chair, with some standing chair-assisted poses as well. Breathwork, stretches and asana, relaxation. 50 minutes $10
Gentle, well rounded, meditative and soothing practice. Breathwork, floor and standing asana, deep relaxation. Approx 70 minutes. $15
We’ll explore several types of meditation practice, ending with a deep relaxation. A very calming experience.Approx 70 minutes $15
Please note: I need a minimum of five students to run these classes. Pre-registration at least one day in advance s necessary. Simply respond to this email to reserve you spot. Payment is by Venmo or mailed check. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.
Next, I invite you to have a look at my new store. Some of you know I have a daughter who is on the autism spectrum. She is an artist. I’m biased, but I find her work to be cheerful and uplifting. I also dabble a bit with painting. I’ve had greeting cards made with select images. A portion of the proceeds from these card sales goes to Bailey’s Team for Autism, an organization I happily support. There are also select originals and beautiful canvas copies available for many of the images, ranging in size from 11×14 to 16×20. Click here to view the offerings. If you don’t see the size you are looking for, just ask!
Finally, I offer you some poems to remind you that we are all here on the same planet, breathing and mourning and celebrating and learning. We are all connected. We are dependently rising.
Melinda Coppola
Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Stone Whisperer, mom, poet, artist, lover of song

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