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Cat Calls CatsFamily

Cat Calls

  for Super Guy 4 am, the favored time for felines in this house; to dance a catty jig across my soft belly, scale the cliff your side-sleeping body makes as it juts, dark and…
February 20, 2017
In the old country Family

In the old country

Albert Tromara,my father1926-2001     "In the old country....", he began and she thought, he's confused again, he wasn't there... and she remembered all the stories he told of growing up in Roxbury, only son…
February 9, 2017
My Calling PoemPoetrySpiritualityWriting

My Calling

From an Inky Path writing prompt “ Writers Manifesto for Hard Times”, about finding your own unique contribution to addressing the challenges of our times. As I was finishing this, I received a call from…
January 18, 2017
CAThartic CatsSpirituality


Leroy and Olive, Ruby looking on   “Comes a time, “ said the first cat, when you can decide to be different than you were. You can stop scratching at the window, scheming to find…
December 29, 2016