“I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn’t much improved my opinion of them.”
First, here’s a sweet daffodil that blossomed outside my door yesterday. A little yellow beacon of hope.
It’s been quiet here on the blog. I’ve found it challenging to write lately. With so much anguish and tension in the larger world, the creative channels can suffer for lack of attention.
I’ve not been idle, though. In between caring for Bink and teaching some Yoga, I’ve been sending some of my previously formed poems out into the world. There are so many, and I figure at least some of them deserve to find a home someplace where they might be appreciated for who they are. Don’t we all want that?
I’m pleased to share that my poem, Tenure, recently found a home in Third Wednesday Poetry Journal. It’s online HERE, and it’ll be included in their print journal this summer.
Five more of my poems are celebrating, for they, too, have been accepted for publication! I’ll post those when they are published.
I have a little project brewing, too. I hope to tell you all about it in a few weeks.
My prayers and visualizations for a swift end to the war in Ukraine join with yours. May this senseless and horrific violence be quelled. May the world rise to the urgent call for humanitarian aid for those innocents who have suffered the loss of their homes, their loved ones, and their way of life. May the better qualities of humankind prevail.
Thank you for allowing me into your inbox. I know your time is precious, and I’m grateful for the moments you give to my posts.
Hope is a brief scatter of diamonds